Subject: Inserted BoneWeight pairs in a Bone influence convert type are not available for other bones -Create a fresh file. -Create a skeleton (it provides bone1, bone2, bone3) -Create a bline. -Convert one of the vertices parameter to Bone Influience (from now BI). It provides a bone4 inside the first automatically created Bone Weight Pair valuenode (from now BWP). -Expand the Bone Weight List (BWL) and right click on the first BWP. -Select Insert Item smart. Do it twice. It creates other two BWPs that provide bone5 and bone6. -Go to the skeleton and try to find the bone6 or 5 in any of the parent param of any bone. You cannot. -Go to bone4 from the 1st created BWP and try to select bone5 or bone6 form the àrent parameter. You cannot. -Go to bone5 and select the bone6 form the parent param chooser. You can. You should be able to do it for any bone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ dooglus, Wed Dec 17 00:46:11 CET 2008 It looks like bones 5 and 6 have a different parent canvas than 1 through 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ dooglus, Wed Dec 17 01:09:59 CET 2008 It's just another case where the canvas wasn't being set.