Jagged Alliance: Back in Action - Le Bottin des Jeux Linux

Jagged Alliance: Back in Action

🗃️ Specifications

📰 Title: Jagged Alliance: Back in Action 🕹️ / 🛠️ Type: Game
🗃️ Genre: Strategy 👁️ Visual: 3D Top-Down
🏷️ Category: Strategy ➤ Top-Down Fight of Units ➤ Squad-Based ➤ Misc. 🏝️ Perspective: Third person
🔖 Tags: Strategy; Tactical RPG; Action; Adventure; Simulation; Turn-Based Combat; Squad-based; Skill-Based; Contemporary; Unity engine; Open World; Day & Night ⏱️ Pacing: Real Time with Pause
🐣️ Approx. start: 2012-02-09 👫️ Played: Single
🐓️ Latest: 2012-02-09 🚦 Status: 04. Released (status)
📍️ Version: Latest: - ❤️ Like it: 9. ⏳️
🏛️ License type: 💰 Commercial 🎀️ Quality: 7. ⏳️
🏛️ License: Commercial ✨️ (temporary):
🐛️ Created: 2016-08-17 🐜️ Updated: 2024-06-22

🚦 Entry status

📰 What's new?: 👔️ Already shown:
💡 Lights on: 💭️ New version published (to be updated):
🎨️ Significant improvement: 🦺️ Work in progress:
🎖️ This work: 3 stars 🚧️ Some work remains to be done:
👫️ Contrib.: goupildb & Louis 👻️ Temporary:
🎰️ ID: 15059

📖️ Summary

📜️[en]: A contemporary remake of the latest title in the much-loved Jagged Alliance series of turn-based mercenary-themed strategy games. Designed from the ground up to offer a modern gaming experience, it showcases an updated isometric 3D look and interface, highly detailed character models and a variety of new gameplay features. It takes players to the fictitious country of Arulco, where a ruthless dictator has seized power and only a small group of rebels stand to resist her. 📜️[fr]: Un remake en 3D isométrique de Jagged Alliance 2, un tactical RPG au tour par tour, dont l'action se situe dans les années 1980 dans le petit pays (fictif) d'Amérique centrale d'Arulco, dirigé par une dictatrice ayant assassinée son mari et monarque. Le prince légitime engage le joueur pour qu'il mette un terme à ses activités, aidé de la rébellion en place. A cette fin il recevra différents ordres de missions, recrutera ses mercenaires, achètera le matériel, et sera hélitroyé sur place. Ce remake ajoute un graphisme plus détaillé, et modifie sensiblement l'histoire, le contenu et des éléments de gameplay.

🎥️ Videos

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📚️ Name is a

📕 Description [en]

📜️ "blabla" 📜️

Jagged Alliance: Back in Action - The new game from the classic title. A ruthless dictator has seized power on the island state of Arulco. The ousted former President has asked you to hire the best mercenaries in the world to fight to restore him as the rightful leader of his country. Assemble powerful teams of mercenaries and recapture the island sector by sector. Join forces with the local rebels and train and arm them. Exploit resources in the occupied areas to acquire the financial means to purchase supplies of weapons and equipment and to hire new mercs. Coordinate the various teams on the strategic map before plunging headlong into battle to win back the country.


Jagged Alliance Back in Action is a contemporary remake of the latest title in the much-loved Jagged Alliance series of turn-based mercenary-themed strategy games.

Designed from the ground up to offer a modern gaming experience, Back in Action showcases an updated isometric 3D look and interface, highly detailed character models and a variety of new gameplay features.
Back in Action takes players to the fictitious country of Arulco, where a ruthless dictator has seized power and only a small group of rebels stand to resist her. Tasked with freeing the island from the dictator’s iron grip, players will command rebel and mercenary forces while using tactical, diplomatic and economic tools to keep troops supplied and ready for the next flight, all while commanding them directly in nail-biting battles.

Back in Action’s innovative “plan & go” combat system combines real-time strategy (RTS) with turn-based elements to guarantee that the intricacies of tactical warfare are rendered in dynamic, exciting gameplay. This challenges would-be commanders to master not only strategy and tactical combat, but also to maximize their team’s capabilities through RPG-like character advancement.

🌍️ Wikipedia:

Jagged Alliance is a series of turn-based tactics video games. From the first Jagged Alliance installment on, the series received critical acclaim[citation needed] and gained a significant cult following[citation needed], although this never translated to major commercial success. The first games in the series were for DOS, but work well under all flavours of Microsoft Windows and in emulators like DOSBox. From Jagged Alliance 2 on, the games were developed using DirectX for native Windows operation. Jagged Alliance 2 was also released for Linux and is currently available on Steam and on GOG.com for Windows.


The Jagged Alliance games center on strategically controlling mercenary squads, on and off the field, who complete various missions such as freeing countries from oppressive dictators. A sticky phrase describes these games as "X-COM with personality."[citation needed] The games feature a unique mix of turn-based battle simulation, 4X (eXpand, eXploit, eXplore and eXterminate) elements and role-playing video game.

Sharp humour via spoken character comments is a trademark of the series. The personalities of the individual mercenaries range from mildly eccentric to obviously disturbed, and their spoken lines give the games a cartoon-like quality.[clarification needed] This contrasts the games' setting which is otherwise closely linked to such subjects as war and death; the intent[clarification needed] is to avoid a false sense of realism and overt references to real political events.[citation needed]

Each mercenary is an individual with their own traits, and fans quickly selected their favourites from the lot (such as the dour, bearskin-cap wearing Ivan Dolvich, who spoke only Russian in the original game and broken English in the sequel). Part of the strategy and genius in the game was the player's freedom to select a multi-faceted team to win the game in different ways. Not all teams would work; for example, Ivan and his nephew Igor, who work well together, are hated by Steroid, the Polish bodybuilder. "Buns", a Danish markswoman, hates "Fox," a medic with centerfold looks. In contrast, "Fox" loves working with "Grizzly," on whom she has something of a crush.

The mercenaries may be out on various assignments (again, determined randomly) so that the available pool of characters is never quite the same for each game.

The player has to maintain a level of reputation in the Jagged Alliance games. If the player gets his or her troops killed often, regularly hires and dismisses members or generally is insensitive (such as not paying for deceased merc body shipments back home), his or her reputation will lower. Bad player's reputation affects all mercenaries. Mercs may demand a significant pay raise to consider working for the player. Hired mercenaries may quit unless the player discreetly pays them a bonus. And only desperate-for-work mercs will agree to work for really notorious players.

Jagged Alliance: Back in Action

On August 20, 2010, bitComposer Games announced Jagged Alliance: Back in Action, a full-scale remake of Jagged Alliance 2. It was originally titled Jagged Alliance: Reloaded. The game was demonstrated at GDC 2011 and released on February 9, 2012.

The stated goal of the remake was to improve the original game concept as well as the visual weaknesses of the original. The story and content are noticeably different from the original as well, with key strategic elements such as boardable vehicles and training of militia removed. Mercenaries are easier to train and permanently hired for a one-time fee rather than the time-based pay of the original. Conversation trees with NPCs have been replaced with linear "talk or stop talking" dialogue. Humorous cut-scenes featuring the exploits of the Queen have also been removed.

Jagged Alliance: Back in Action features modern 3D graphics in an isometric perspective. The user interface was completely redesigned and includes a new detailed tutorial that helps new players to learn how to play the game properly. The new real time "Plan & Go" system optionally removes the classic Jagged Alliance staple of turn based gameplay. It also initially removed the fog of war, making the tactical element of the game simpler and faster to play as it was unnecessary for the player to prepare for enemy surprise attacks or ambushes with all enemies immediately visible. A fog of war system was added to the game post-release called tactical mode, which requires mercenaries to acquire a line of sight on an enemy for them to become visible. The developers estimate that the remake will take players around 70 hours to complete.

The critical reception was mixed at best, with armchairempire.com saying "Jagged Alliance: Back In Action is, and probably will for many years hence be, the definitive textbook example of how to mess up by the numbers when attempting to "relaunch" a classic franchise". Even Finnish Pelit magazine, in one of the most positive reviews internationally, stated "Back in Action is not a bad game, but pales in comparison to its father".

📕 Description [fr]

Un remake en 3D isométrique de Jagged Alliance 2, par le studio Coreplay (fermé), portage Linux par le studio Big Moon Studios, publié par les studios Kalypso Media & bitComposer Games.
Il utilise le moteur Unity.

Jagged Alliance Back in Action est un remake en 3D isométrique de Jagged Alliance 2, un tactical RPG au tour par tour, dont l'action se situe dans les années 1980 dans le petit pays (fictif) d'Amérique centrale d'Arulco, dirigé par une dictatrice ayant assassinée son mari et monarque. Le prince légitime engage le joueur pour qu'il mette un terme à ses activités, aidé de la rébellion en place. A cette fin il recevra différents ordres de missions, recrutera ses mercenaires, achètera le matériel, et sera hélitroyé sur place. Ce remake ajoute un graphisme plus détaillé, et modifie sensiblement l'histoire, le contenu et des éléments de gameplay.

Voir aussi / See also: : Jagged Alliance 2 - Stracciatella, Jagged Alliance: Flashback, Jagged Alliance: Back in Action,

🌍️ Wikipedia (traduction partielle du Bottin):

L'objectif déclaré du remake était d'améliorer le concept du jeu original ainsi que les faiblesses visuelles de l'original. L'histoire et le contenu sont sensiblement différents de l'original, avec des éléments stratégiques clés supprimés tels que les véhicules de transport et la formation des milices. Les mercenaires sont plus faciles à former et à embaucher de façon permanente avec une taxe unique plutôt que par le salaire horaire de la version originale. Les arbres de conversation avec des PNJ ont été remplacés par un dialogue linéaire "parler ou cesser de parler". Les cinématiques humoristiques montrant les exploits de la Reine ont également été enlevés.

Jagged Alliance: Back in Action propose des graphismes 3D modernes dans une perspective isométrique. L'interface utilisateur a été complètement repensée et comprend un nouveau tutoriel détaillé qui aide les nouveaux joueurs à apprendre à jouer le jeu correctement. Le nouveau système temps réel "Plan & Go" supprime optionnellement le gameplay de base classique au tour par tour de Jagged Alliance. Le brouillard de la guerre a également été enlevé dans un premier temps, ce qui rend l'élément tactique du jeu plus simple et plus rapide à jouer du fait qu'il était inutile pour le joueur de préparer des attaques surprises ou des embuscades avec tous les ennemis visibles immédiatement. Un système de brouillard de guerre a été ajouté au jeu après sa sortie, appelé mode tactique, requérant la visibilité direct des ennemis par les mercenaires pour qu'ils deviennent visibles. Les développeurs estiment que le remake à une durée de jeu autour de 70 heures.


Jagged Alliance Back in Action est un remake contemporain de la série des jeux de stratégie tour par tour Jagged Alliance, sur le thème des mercenaires.

Repensé pour offrir une nouvelle expérience de jeu, Back in Action offre une nouvelle perspective en 3D isométrique, une interface améliorée, de nouveaux personnages en haute définition ainsi que de nombreuses et nouvelles possibilités de jeu. Back in Action emmène les joueurs dans un pays fictif : Arulco. Un dictateur y a pris le pouvoir et seul un groupe de rebelle tente de leur résister. Vous aurez la tâche de libérer l'île de la main de fer du dictateur en dirigeant des rebelles et des mercenaires. Vous utiliserez la tactique, la diplomatie et l'économie pour assurer le ravitaillement de vos troupes et vous préparer pour le prochain assaut. Vous pourrez aussi commander les troupes directement dans des combats indécis.

Le système de combat "plan & go" de Back in Action combine la stratégie en temps réel avec des éléments de tour par tour pour assurer le dynamisme des tactiques militaires. Il faudra ainsi maîtriser l'aspect stratégique et tactique des combats mais aussi assurer la progression et la personnalisation des membres des équipes avec une composante 'jeu de rôle'.