-- Harmonist version v0.2-dev-b character file --

You escaped from Dayoriah Clan's domain alive!

You rescued Shaedra.
You did not recover the Gem Portal Artifact.

You have 4/4 HP, 2/5 MP and 4/4 bananas.


- magara of noise (used 4 times)
- magara of fog (used 4 times)
- magara of confusion (used 2 times)
- magara of teleport other (used 2 times)

- cloak of shadows (body)
- amulet of obstruction (neck)

You spent 3977.0 turns in Hareka's Underground.
You explored 8 levels out of 11.

Last messages:
[(x) to continue]
You have a new empty slot for a magara.
Achievement: Rescued Shaedra.
You are standing over a story message.
You hear the flapping of wings.
You hear heavy footsteps.
You read the message.
You are standing over a monolith portal.
You hear the flapping of wings.
You escape by the magic portal! [(x) to continue]

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│    #"..."#             #.,,,,#     #.,                                        │
│     ##+##,##############.####      ..,,                                       │
│      #...................#        ..####                                      │

Depth  1|Turn    98.0| Found banana (bananas: 2)
Depth  1|Turn   196.0| Found banana (bananas: 3)
Depth  1|Turn   252.0| Spotted magara of fog (distance: 4)
Depth  1|Turn   253.0| Discovered stairs (distance: 5)
Depth  1|Turn   256.0| Took magara of fog
Depth  1|Turn   281.0| Achievement: Stealth Novice
Depth  1|Turn   281.0| Descended stairs
Depth  2|Turn   405.0| Discovered stairs (distance: 5)
Depth  2|Turn   476.0| Spotted magara of obstruction (distance: 12)
Depth  2|Turn   490.0| Took magara of obstruction
Depth  2|Turn   688.0| Descended stairs
Depth  3|Turn   717.0| Found banana (bananas: 4)
Depth  3|Turn   717.0| Achievement: Banana Collector
Depth  3|Turn   725.9| Hit by high guard (HP: 3)
Depth  3|Turn   726.0| Evoked magara of fog (MP: 4)
Depth  3|Turn   803.5| Evoked magara of noise (MP: 3)
Depth  3|Turn   835.0| Rested in barrel (Bananas: 3)
Depth  3|Turn   841.0| Spotted cloak of shadows (distance: 8)
Depth  3|Turn   853.2| Hit by guard (HP: 3)
Depth  3|Turn   925.0| Evoked magara of noise (MP: 4)
Depth  3|Turn   933.5| Found banana (bananas: 4)
Depth  3|Turn   936.5| Equipped cloak of shadows
Depth  3|Turn   936.5| Achievement: Dressed Gawalt
Depth  3|Turn   970.0| Rested in barrel (Bananas: 3)
Depth  3|Turn  1001.0| Discovered stairs (distance: 5)
Depth  3|Turn  1074.2| Hit by satowalga plant (HP: 3)
Depth  3|Turn  1074.2| Slowed by satowalga plant viscous substance
Depth  3|Turn  1523.0| Achievement: Novice Explorer
Depth  3|Turn  1523.0| Descended stairs
Depth  4|Turn  1555.0| Spotted amulet of obstruction (distance: 12)
Depth  4|Turn  1588.0| Equipped amulet of obstruction
Depth  4|Turn  1588.0| Achievement: Protective Charm
Depth  4|Turn  1687.1| Illuminated by harmonic celmist
Depth  4|Turn  1712.1| Illuminated by harmonic celmist
Depth  4|Turn  1816.5| Targeted by high guard javelin
Depth  4|Turn  1816.5| Hit by high guard (HP: 2)
Depth  4|Turn  1817.5| Evoked magara of fog (MP: 4)
Depth  4|Turn  1867.9| Illuminated by harmonic celmist
Depth  4|Turn  1902.0| Rested in barrel (Bananas: 2)
Depth  4|Turn  1921.0| Found banana (bananas: 3)
Depth  4|Turn  1996.0| Evoked magara of fog (MP: 4)
Depth  4|Turn  2007.8| Illuminated by harmonic celmist
Depth  4|Turn  2023.5| Discovered stairs (distance: 6)
Depth  4|Turn  2068.5| Spotted magara of teleport other (distance: 6)
Depth  4|Turn  2074.5| Took magara of teleport other
Depth  4|Turn  2185.9| Illuminated by harmonic celmist
Depth  4|Turn  2197.5| Activated sensing stone
Depth  4|Turn  2302.0| Evoked magara of fog (MP: 3)
Depth  4|Turn  2313.8| Illuminated by harmonic celmist
Depth  4|Turn  2368.5| Rested in barrel (Bananas: 2)
Depth  4|Turn  2376.5| Descended stairs
Depth  5|Turn  2413.3| Spotted magara of confusion (distance: 10)
Depth  5|Turn  2429.5| Took magara of confusion, left magara of obstruction
Depth  5|Turn  2555.0| Activated night stone
Depth  5|Turn  2625.5| Found banana (bananas: 3)
Depth  5|Turn  2646.5| Discovered stairs (distance: 6)
Depth  5|Turn  2711.5| Found banana (bananas: 4)
Depth  5|Turn  2739.5| Descended stairs
Depth  6|Turn  2908.5| Achievement: Tree Climber
Depth  6|Turn  3131.5| Evoked magara of teleport other (MP: 4)
Depth  6|Turn  3134.0| Spotted magara of swiftness (distance: 3)
Depth  6|Turn  3199.3| Hit by blinking frog (HP: 3)
Depth  6|Turn  3199.3| Blinked away by blinking frog
Depth  6|Turn  3333.0| Rested in barrel (Bananas: 3)
Depth  6|Turn  3341.0| Achievement: Harmonist Novice
Depth  6|Turn  3341.0| Evoked magara of noise (MP: 4)
Depth  6|Turn  3396.5| Found banana (bananas: 4)
Depth  6|Turn  3430.5| Discovered stairs (distance: 5)
Depth  6|Turn  3436.5| Descended stairs
Depth  7|Turn  3453.5| Spotted magara of slowing (distance: 3)
Depth  7|Turn  3579.5| Evoked magara of confusion (MP: 3)
Depth  7|Turn  3587.8| Lignified by tree mushroom
Depth  7|Turn  3593.0| Activated barrel stone
Depth  7|Turn  3617.5| Rested in barrel (Bananas: 3)
Depth  7|Turn  3622.5| Found banana (bananas: 4)
Depth  7|Turn  3644.5| Spotted cloak of vitality (distance: 4)
Depth  7|Turn  3877.5| Evoked magara of noise (MP: 4)
Depth  7|Turn  3884.0| Discovered stairs (distance: 10)
Depth  7|Turn  3889.0| Evoked magara of confusion (MP: 3)
Depth  7|Turn  3895.5| Descended stairs
Depth  8|Turn  3939.5| Achievement: Door Opener
Depth  8|Turn  3940.5| Evoked magara of teleport other (MP: 2)
Depth  8|Turn  3974.0| Achievement: Rescued Shaedra
Depth  8|Turn  3977.0| Escaped!

You evoked magaras 12 times, jumped 0 times, and moved 3455 times.
You rested 6 times.
You evoked 2 times oric magaras.
You evoked 10 times harmonic magaras.
You got hit 5 times, confused 0 times, slowed 1 times.
You were illuminated by an harmonic celmist 6 times.
Blinking frogs made you blink 1 times.
You were spotted by 30 monsters, 53 times.
You endured 5 damage.
You activated 3 magical stones.
You read 3 lore messages out of 8.
You climbed 17 trees.
You crawled through 7 holed walls.
You hid under 2 tables.
You opened 102 doors.
You hid in 8 barrels.
You spent 29.7% turns wounded.
You spent 35.7% turns with monsters in sight.
You spent 14.4% turns wounded with monsters in sight.

Quantity/Depth            1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
Explored (%)             75  79  94  96  84  97  97  22
Sleeping monsters (%)    10   9   7   6  16   4   4   4
Alerted monsters (%)     20   9  50  46   5  19  36   0
Total Alerts              6   1  11  13   1  10  11   0
Rests                     0   0   2   2   0   1   1   0
Received damage           0   0   3   1   0   1   0   0
Magara uses               0   0   3   3   0   2   3   1

- Banana Collector (turn 717)
- Door Opener (turn 3939)
- Dressed Gawalt (turn 936)
- Harmonist Novice (turn 3341)
- Novice Explorer (turn 1523)
- Protective Charm (turn 1588)
- Rescued Shaedra (turn 3974)
- Stealth Novice (turn 281)
- Tree Climber (turn 2908)